Friday, December 14, 2007

Silent Screaming

Went out to Monashee's last night with Andrea, and it was fun. Walk in, get Id'd. Which is cool when you're pushing 30. Go out to the smoking area, find $10 sitting on the ground. Go to order drinks, my cousin is the bartender, makes me do a shot with him for free. Then, it turns out to be $1.75 highball night, so I showed up with $20, left with $17, had 6 drinks and one shot, one being a double. Then there was this drunken Aussie carrying a purse, he was so funny. Kept high-fiving everybody. Andrea showed me her tongue skills with marashino cherry stems, she tied 4 of them with her tongue. What a fun night!

And for the hell of it, a cute puppy picture....

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