Monday, December 10, 2007


...I went and saw The Golden Compass on saturday, and it was ok, not great, not bad. It is, of course part one, and thankfully they didn't leave it at a cliffhanger. It is very much a children's story, not as dark as they make it out to be in trailers. It was annoying as well, because children were of course watching it, and they don't seem to know manners at all. Talking throughout it, getting up a bunch of times, they should be banned from theatres. Or at least, supervised, or given their own theatre to watch it in, so the rest of us can watch a movie in relative peace and quiet. Of course, the parents do nothing about any of this behavior, as they seem quite inclined to do the same thing. One parent in particular I wanted to punch in the head, one of those "loud talkers," that seem to stalk me wherever I go. Do you realise how loud you are talking, or do you just assume volume means intelligence? We have defeated "survival of the fittest," but can't we at least carry guns for people like this? Their ignorance passes on to their children, and of course all of the good people have to put up with these morons.

Just like a favourite line from one of my favourite songs, "It's idiot season, let the hunting begin."-Neurosonic, So Many People.


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