Wednesday, April 25, 2007

The Third Jimmy

I'm gonna go off on a rant now, so bare with me.
You know what I hate, trends. They are sad, and completely control some peoples lives.
The trend I'm specifically talking about Now, I have no problem with yoga itself. I think yoga is a wonderful low impact way to get some athleticism back into peoples lives.
The problem I have with the "industry" is the amount of people(women) who buy all the LuluLemon gear, including the handbag, and don't actually do yoga. They just pretend to. You can tell the ones who don't actually do it. They're easy to spot. Why?
Because it's trendy. Because they all have to compete with each other to gain attention from other people. Because their self-esteems are based on how they look, not who they are as people, or their intelligence. These are the same people who end up bitter, and single at 40, because they have nothing else to offer the world.
The only trend I endorse is Suicide. Hopefully it becomes as popular as yoga.


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